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HAAD Highlights Sustainable Healthcare System For Abu Dhabi

The Health Authority - Abu Dhabi (HAAD), highlighted how it has built the foundation of a sustainable healthcare system for the Emirate by mandating health insurance for all residents, separating the regulator from the provision of healthcare services and finding international partners for all aspects of the healthcare system.

Dr. Philipp Vetter, Head of Strategy at HAAD and a keynote speaker at the Middle East Healthcare 2009 conference said: "First and foremost the foundation has been built on a clear and enduring vision for the healthcare system. This vision gives direction, allows for planning and has guided health sector reform." Dr Vetter highlighted that the stability of vision has allowed standard systems and robust governance to be implemented. These have seen the introduction of standards for licensing, a system for providers to claim for services electronically and clear roles for different players in the health sector.

"No healthcare system can hope to achieve excellence without committed people. This includes long-term provider partners, and critically, the establishment of a strong national workforce to underpin the health system", he said.

"HAAD encourages existing and potential healthcare investors and their partners to build on the foundation that has been laid", Dr. Vetter concluded.


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