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HAAD Issues Health Guidance On Indoor Air Quality

The Health Authority - Abu Dhabi (HAAD) has issued health guidance on quality of indoor air to the public in light of climate change and the onset of winter in particular.

The guidelines provide information on how to maintain air purity and avoid pollutants which have a significant impact on human health.

Engineer Zaid Al Siksek, CEO of HAAD, said: "The issuance of health guidance and awareness campaigns is part of HAAD’s Public Health strategy. In summer HAAD in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, implemented the ?Work in the Heat’ program aimed at increasing awareness of heat stress and prevention of heat illness amongst employers and workers in the capital".

Dr. Oliver Harrison, Head of Public Health and Policy in HAAD, said: "People spend about 90% of their time indoors, yet when asked about air pollution, most people would raise concerns about outdoor air pollution sources such as dust storms, vehicle emissions, and industrial sources of pollution. The quality of indoor air is equally important, recent research has shown that the quality of indoor air can be up to 5 times more polluted than that of outdoor air." "Studies indicate that most modern buildings are built to be energy efficient and do not allow adequate air exchange to reduce concentrations of indoor air pollutants, therefore, it is helpful to allow fresh outdoor air to circulate through the interior of buildings where a variety of air contaminants may have accumulated.

The best way to improve indoor air quality is to open windows for 15-30 minutes (unless there is a dust storm) and to perform regular maintenance of air vents in the home", he added.

HAAD guidance indicated the most significant signs of indoor air quality problems which include: Unusual and noticeable odors, Stale or stuffy air, Dirty or faulty central heating or air conditioning equipment, Dirty or clogged vents, Presence of molds and mildew and Frequent headaches or allergy symptoms.

In addition to ambient dust from living in a desert environment, modern lifestyles contribute to poor indoor air quality on a daily basis.

At least some of the following contaminants can be found in almost any home: Pet Dander and Hair Pets can trigger allergy and asthma attacks due to dander and hair, Smoke from cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products, Cockroaches and other pests leave microscopic droppings which can become airborne, Pesticides used to rid homes of insects, rodents, and other pests can contribute to indoor air pollution. Therefore, it is important to use non-chemical methods of pest control when possible Moreover Biological contaminants such as molds and mildew are caused by high humidity levels, inadequate ventilation, and poorly maintained humidifiers and air conditioners, Asbestos can be found in many homes more than 25 years old. Sources include deteriorating, damaged or disturbed pipe insulation, fire retardant, acoustical material and floor tiles.

Lead from lead-based paint dust created when removing paint by sanding, scraping or burning, Household products and furnishings such as paints, solvents, air fresheners, hobby supplies, dry-cleaned clothing, aerosol sprays, adhesives, and fabric additives used in carpeting and furniture which can release volatile organic compounds (VOC).

Formaldehyde from durable press draperies and other textiles, particle board products such as cabinets and furniture framing, and adhesives, Carbon Monoxide from space heaters, unvented gas stoves, furnaces and water heaters, Central air conditioning systems should receive annual maintenance checkups from a trained HVAC technician.


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