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Guest Posts Promotes ’Earth Day’ In The Region

Earth Day 2010 is being celebrated on April 22, 2010, and this year is extra special, as it is Earth Day’s 40th anniversary. In 1970, the Founder of Earth Day, Senator Nelson in the US mobilized around 20 million Americans to join the movement to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species acts.

Over the years and thanks to the internet, Earth Day has picked up global momentum and this year an estimated billion people in over 200 countries worldwide will make their voices heard by participating in local activities that champion the cause of lifting the status of environmental issues on to the world stage.

According to Sharad Agarwal, Founder of, "Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy. On our part we are providing our local community the knowledge and eco-products that will enable them ‘Go Green’. Earth Day is a perfect time for all of us to reflect about what we are doing to help protect the environment.” provides information and ideas on things to do on Earth Day. Articles on issues such as pollution, water shortages, recycling, climate change and tips on reducing the carbon footprint are provided.

Several practical Green Tips are shared with community members:
Buy as little as possible and avoid items that come in lots of packaging. Support local growers and producers of food and products - these don’t have to travel as far and so reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Take your drink container with you, and don’t use any disposable plates or cutlery. Recycle all the things you do use for the day or find other uses for things that you no longer use. Carry a cloth bag for carrying things in and recycle your plastic bags.

Get children to recycle their old toys and games. By giving their old toys and games to younger children who could make use of them, older children learn two lessons: One is about giving to others and the second is about reusing and recycling instead of throwing things away. Adults can also do this with clothes, electrical items, books and more.

Hold an Earth Day fair. Maybe your school, your street, your local neighborhood is interested in getting together to have an environmental fair. Things to have at the fair include demonstrations of environmentally-friendly products, children’s artwork, healthy/locally grown foods to eat, animal care demonstrations, games for the children made of recycled products, musicians and actors performing environmental music and skits, stalls which are recycling unwanted treasures and books, local environmental organisations presenting their issues and wares. Money raised can go towards a local environmental restoration project or to an environmental group agreed upon by all the participants running the fair.

Teach others about the environment. Teachers, professionals, students, in fact anyone who cares about the environment and is willing to teach others, can all provide environmental lessons for others.


‘Go Green’ web portal was launched in July 2008 to remind people to be mindful of and sensitive to the natural environment in our daily life The main objective of the site is to increase the awareness of environmental issues that affect the future of the planet. features ‘Green Stories’ that demonstrate the steps taken by corporations as part of their commitment to preserve the planet. Global organisations such as Panasonic, Orange, Toshiba, Cisco, Discover, Dell, HSBC, Google, Marriott, Hotels and Resorts Intercontinental Hotels, Hyatt, Zipcar, Nissan and Mazda share their ‘Green Innovations’ online.

The ‘Green Heroes Program’ gives credit and encouragement to individuals who have contributed in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability. is updated 24/7 with information relating to news, events, technologies, videos, web resources and success stories in the field of energy conservation, sustainability and environmental protection., an Ekotribe initiative won the Alternate Energy Award at ADIPEC, in recognition of its contribution to promoting environmental awareness.

For more information, contact:

Sharad Agarwal
P.O. Box 53735
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +9714 3312627

On Twitter at:


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