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Dubai Police exhibits its Smart Services, in the Sixth Annual World Exhibition and Conference for Smart Cities, in Barcelona

Dubai Police, represented by the General Department of Smart Services, participates in the Sixth Annual World Exhibition and Conference for Smart Cities, from November 15 until November 17, 2016, in Barcelona, Spain.

The Exhibition is the first annual meeting of the leaders of smart cities. It is to witness the smart attainments and services, achieved by Dubai Police. Brigadier Khalid Naser Al-Razooqi, Director of General Department of Smart Services, headed the delegation.

Brigadier Al-Razooqi stated that this Exhibition includes participation of a wide range of Arab and International companies, in the field of electronic systems and smart services and it is an opportunity to learn about the latest technology. Dubai Police delegation would attend the meetings and conferences accompanying the exhibition, to have a closer look at experiences and achievements and projects, from around the world.

He pointed out that Dubai Police is keen to be present in the smart platforms and eager to strengthen its orientation, in the field of smart services, where it participates from within Smart Dubai, to exhibit the smart services and applications it is developing, as well as the automated Policeman.

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