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RTA unleashes online selling in authorized auto showrooms

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has recently launched the online selling service in RTA authorized auto showrooms. The step is part of RTA’s efforts intended to streamline the processing of service in a quick & smooth manner, and ensure that business processes are compatible with the customer needs. 

Ahmed Bahrozyan, CEO of RTA’s Licensing Agency, said: “RTA is keen on ensuring the business are consistent with the needs of all community segments in terms of speed and business processing. It has therefore opted to introduce the online selling service as it ensures smooth processing of vehicle selling services via authorized showrooms. RTA has made agreements with some showrooms and officially authorized them to process online selling services. RTA called on other showrooms wishing to be authorized to get in touch with it before the deadline of July 31 for obtaining the authorization required.

Individuals (sellers and buyers) used to complete the selling of cars in showrooms personally in any authorized showroom through completing the required form including details of both parties as well as the details of the vehicle. The showroom then seals the documents of the vehicle for sale, and parties then move to one of the service centers to verify the details. The current situation only requires the original Emirates ID card of the seller and buyer, along with the details, which have to be verified, by the smart code reader, and the selling agreement is then recorded directly in RTA’s traffic system. The customer then heads to any customer service center or alternative channels (such as the website) to discharge the vehicle by selling, export or ownership. 

“Among the key features of the online selling agreements is safeguarding the rights of seller & buyer, and protecting the seller from transferring the vehicle ownership or number plate without his knowledge as the transaction obliges both parties to be present at the time of processing. It also prevents the seller from dealing with the vehicle after the processing of the online selling agreement, besides obtaining details & statistics of selling agreements conducted in the showroom, which was not possible before under paper-based transactions. RTA may automatically abolish the selling agreement in case of the expiry of the selling period and the buyer fails to complete the transaction required. The traffic offences (pertaining to Dubai and other Emirates) will be registered against the buyer in case they are entered against the vehicle, and the online selling agreement is still in the name of the buyer. The service will also contribute to reducing the processing time in centers, as 50% of the transaction will be completed by auto showrooms.

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