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KP Chair visits Angola and South Africa

In the second phase of his Africa Initiative, (with a tour of the Central African Republic already completed) the KP Chair, Ahmed Bin Sulayem has visited Angola and South Africa, the two founding countries of the Kimberly Process, to discuss first hand the progress that diamond producing nations are making to comply with Kimberley Process mandates,

“Meeting President José Eduardo dos Santos has provided us with a first hand account of his country’s continuing development in support of Kimberley Process mandates - and its concerted efforts to uphold certification of rough diamonds”.

In addition Mr. Bin Sulayem’s agenda included discussions about Venezuela’s re-admission to the KP family.  He applauded President Santos for the commitment made by Angola, Chair of the Committee on Participation and Chairmanship, in helping Venezuela. 

President Santos commended Mr. Bin Sulayem on achievements in Africa so far, especially with the developments in the Central African Republic, where there has been a resumption of rough diamond exports from a single zone, with the possible further development of three more zones currently in the process of complying with KP mandates.

Trade figures of rough diamond imports by the UAE, over the past three years, has seen Angola in the top five countries consistently, with 2015 showing imports from Angola in excess of six million carats. 

Meeting Mr. Mosebenzi Joseph Zwane, South African Minister of Mineral Resources, in 
Johannesburg, the KP Chair expanded on what had been achieved in the Central African republic and the steps being taken there to secure a more stable future.  

Minister Zwane remarked:  ”As the cradle of the Kimberley Process, South Africa was encouraged by the progressive steps taken by the UAE KP Chair in both Venezuela and the Central African Republic. We look forward to take up the lead of the Working Group for Monitoring from 2017, and will work together hand in hand to improve the great work the KP has done since it's inception”.

Mr. Bin Sulayem made it very clear that he wants to prioritise the strengthening relationships being built with African states during his tenure as the 2016 KP Chair.

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