Taking place at the GWFD’s ‘Women in Media’ hub, Becky Anderson highlighted several key points throughout the session. She shared her own personal journey through journalism—pinpointing the desire to make a difference as the reason for choosing to pursue this career path 21 year ago—up to the moment in time when she decided to shift her focus to the Middle East region. As the events of the Arab Spring unfolded, it was clear that a new story about this region was broiling throughout the global media sphere. Her belief that the region’s story should be told through its own prism, ultimately prompted her to bring her platform to the UAE.
Ms Anderson explained that her experience residing in the UAE enabled her to gain a better understanding of Arab culture, specifically misconceptions revolving around women’s accessibility to the workplace and education.
As part of the GWFD’s Dubai Discovery Exhibition, the ‘Women in Media’ hub is an initiative centred on empowering women in the media field to play a more dynamic and effective role as both leading industry professionals, and key influencers who shape global opinion on how women are perceived. The hub has seen industry leaders share expertise and showcase success stories in work across both digital and traditional platforms.
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