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Emiratis To Be Trained To Join Financial, Banking Sectors

Nasser bin Thani Al Hamli, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, has said that the Ministry, in collaboration with its strategic partners, continues to implement Emiratisation policies, programmes and initiatives to attract UAE nationals and enhance their skills to enable them to lead the economic sectors, including the financial and banking industry.

He made these remarks during a recent meeting with a group of UAE nationals studying at the Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies, EIBFS, on the sidelines of the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry and EIBFS.

The MoU - signed by Fatima Ali Al Houti, Acting Assistant Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources Development and Jamal Al Jassmi, General Manager of EIBFS - aims to implement a programme to train and qualify Emiratis who are appointed in the banking and financial sector.

During the meeting, Al Hamli highlighted his confidence in the competencies of UAE nationals and their competitive professional abilities. UAE nationals have been participating in training programmes aimed at developing their professional skills in line with the requirements of the jobs available in the financial and banking sector.

He stressed the importance of supporting strategic partnerships between the public and private sectors and the need to integrate their initiatives and programmes to achieve common objectives regarding employing and developing national human resources and developing their skills to fill vital positions in the job fields.

"EIBFS keen to strengthen the financial and banking sector in the country, with the skills of UAE nationals which in line with the national agenda of the UAE 2021 vision," said Jamal Al Jassmi.

He added, "The strategic partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation will help in developing national cadres over the next three years and train human resources to enhance their involvement in the labour market."

"We hope that our training programmes will contribute to the success of our joint plan to develop technical, functional and personal expertise for UAE nationals in the sector. These programmes are designed in phases that are related to the theoretical aspects followed by technical skills in the advanced stages of the course. There are also specialised stages according to the requirements of professional development and finally the stage of developing leadership skills at the higher levels," he continued.

The MoU will see the implementation of a comprehensive vocational training programme for Emiratis employed in the financial and banking institutions.

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