DMCC announces 2019 international roadshows |
DMCC, the world’s flagship Free Zone and Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise has announced its 2019 programme of international roadshows, Made For Trade Live. The roadshows events were designed to help foreign business discover how they can grow their business in Dubai and beyond, and setting up a company in DMCC. Every event sees a mix of keynote speakers, and education panel sessions and educational on how to set up a company and do business in Dubai. Since their inception, DMCC’s roadshows have taken place in 17 cities around the world, hosting over 3,000 firms. 2019 will see DMCC showcase its free zone offering in markets including: China, India, Germany, UK, Spain, and Sweden. The first event will take place on the 28th of March, in London, UK and will be held in conjunction with UK’s Institute of Directors. Further dates will be announced shortly. “Wherever we host these roadshows, we see a strong appetite from businesses who want to drive forward investment opportunities in new markets. Situated at the crossroads between East and West, Dubai is a business capital that offers unparalleled access to some of the fastest growing markets. As the economy shifts East, Dubai is an increasing nexus for growth as the rise of Asia Trade continues,” said Feryal Ahmadi, Chief Operating Officer, DMCC. “With robust infrastructure, state-of-the-art facilities and world-class services, DMCC enables its over 15,000 member companies to trade with confidence and tap into vibrant trade flows. By hosting roadshows around the world, I have no doubt we will witness a sharp increase in the number of international companies seeking to join DMCC and help us deliver our growth strategy and drive Dubai’s GDP,” she added. DMCC’s mandate is to bring and establish new trade flows to Dubai. Its business friendly and customer centric offering, has led to a number of business councils setting up and partnering closely with DMCC including: AMCHAM, Turkish Business Council, Scottish Business Network, German Arabian Business Advisory, China Council For The Promotion Of International Trade and more. In 2018, DMCC launched its award winning Future of Trade report, which takes a ten year outlook on the global commodity trade. The report introduced The Commodity Trade Index (CTI), which ranks 10 key commodities trading hubs based on 16 indicators. With the highest score, the report found that the UAE ranks as the number one global hub for commodity trade in 2018. In 2018, DMCC was been named the ‘Global Free Zone of the Year 2018’ by the Financial Times’ fDi Magazine for a record fourth consecutive year. |