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Starting Trial Run Of Online Applications For ’Right-Of-Way’ Permits

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has embarked on the trial run of issuing permits for right-of-way services online. Permits include diverting main & subsidiary roads, occupying parts of the right-of-way, protecting utility lines, and moving heavy vehicles during prohibited times. The step is in line with the Dubai Government’s smart strategy aimed at boosting e-services as well as the Paperless Strategy launched in early 2018.

“The new system brings about a quantum shift in the quality of services rendered to the public and business sector. It enables clients to apply and upload required documents & engineering layouts through RTA’s website. They will no longer require to present papers or visit RTA’s service centres, but can locate the work site on the map 24/7,” said Eng. Maitha bin Adai, CEO of Traffic & Roads Agency, RTA.

The RTA is keen on linking the new system with other relevant systems to ease the procedures and services by reducing the application requirements; which will meet the happiness of customers. The system ensures the issuance of high-quality permits using the latest technologies compatible with the technological systems used in layout management.

“Thus, the permit can be issued online following the completion of the automated payment process. The new system has a geospatial database enabling the positioning of work sites and permitted roads; which makes it easy for engineers to review the application. It will also enable examining the impact of applications submitted on permits issued for the site through the GIS,” she added.

The system is so flexible that it allows communication with clients to provide certain required items during the application review. At the same time, it enables the user to know the progress of the application through notifications received via the mobile phone or e-mail.

The system also offers the flexibility of monitoring & inspecting roadworks & heavy vehicles through the online link with RTA’s internal systems and relevant government bodies.

“The objective of the system is to step up the efficiency and reduce reliance on papers in line with the Dubai Government Paperless Strategy. It makes things easier for clients and various bodies seeking permits for right-of-way services. Thus, it contributes to realising RTA’s third Strategic Goal (People Happiness),” concluded Bin Adai. 

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