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Syrian National Wins US$1 Million In Series 293 Of Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire Promotion

The Millennium Millionaire draw in Series 293 were conducted by Colm McLoughlin, Executive Vice Chairman and CEO of Dubai Duty Free, along with Ramesh Cidambi, COO and Sinead El Sibai, Senior Vice President - Marketing.

Mr Riad Anka Esmail, a Dubai-based Syrian national won a prize of a lifetime as Dubai Duty Free drew his ticket number 4317 to win US$1 Million in the latest Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire Promotion in Series no. 293 earlier this morning (Tuesday) in Concourse A, Terminal 3 at Dubai International Airport.

The forty-year old businessman purchased his winning ticket on 7th January while travelling to Syria for a holiday. A resident of Dubai for almost five years now, Mr Esmail was understandably nervous and excited at the same time and said: “It was my sixth ticket in the million-dollar promotion and can’t believe that I have actually won. This is a great surprise - thank you so much Dubai Duty Free.” 

Mr Esmail is the seventh Syrian national to have won US$1 million since its launched in 1999.

After the Millennium Millionaire draw, a presentation to a previous winner, Mr. Abhishek Kathel, also took place.

Mr. Kathel, an Indian national based in Sharjah and working as cabin crew for Air Arabia, bought his first ever ticket in Series 292 from The Craft Shop at The Irish Village.

Delighted to come for the presentation, he said: “This win has given me the chance to pursue everything I have ever dreamt of. I am so thankful to Dubai Duty Free!”

The draw and the presentation were conducted by Colm McLoughlin, Executive Vice Chairman & CEO of Dubai Duty Free, Ramesh Cidambi -Chief Operating Officer and Sinead El Sibai, SVP – Marketing.

Following the Millennium Millionaire, Dubai Duty Free also conducted the Finest Surprise draw announcing two winners of luxury vehicles.

Mr. Ramesh Chandra, a Dubai-based Indian national won a BMW S 1000 R motorbike in Series 357 with ticket number 0390 while Mr. Ammar, a Saudi national won the top of the range Bentley Bentayga V8 in Series 1709 - ticket number 0646.   Both winners will be pleasantly surprised when they find out about their win.

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