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Belarus Goes Back To Its Roots With Forest-Themed Pavilion

Inspired by its lush greenery and rich natural resources, Belarus will use its pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai to highlight how collective growth leads to fresh opportunity

What happens when nature and innovation combine? Visitors to Expo 2020 Dubai will find out when they travel through the Belarus Pavilion’s ‘Forest of Future Technology’.

Inspired by the country’s lush forests and rich natural resources, the pavilion will demonstrate how collective growth leads to fresh opportunity. By focusing on investment and creativity, it aims to show the way to a sustainable and innovative future.

Belarus will use its pavilion to bring the look, feel and smell of its primeval forests to the UAE. With illuminated green shoots sprouting at its main entrance, the elaborate structure is designed to resemble a self-sufficient living organism.

Inside, the Forest of Future Technology-themed pavilion will present innovative solutions to global problems, as well as new paths to individual expression and fresh ideas for collective missions.

Located in Expo 2020’s Opportunity Thematic District, the Belarus Pavilion will bring to life the idea that trees in a forest grow stronger and live longer when they stand together. The country will build on this concept to show visitors that anything is possible when minds connect in the same way.

Belarus is the latest country to reveal the design and theme of its pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. More are due to follow in the coming months.

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