Five-Day Weather Forecast |
The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) forecasts weather to be cloudy over the coming five days, and dusty at times over the coming five days. Following is a detailed weather forecast issued by the NCM today for the coming five days: Monday: Dusty and partly cloudy to cloudy at times with a probability of some light rain over the Islands and over some western coast and eastern areas. Wind: Moderate to fresh Southeasterly winds, becoming northwesterly by night westward, with a speed of 20 – 30, reaching 42 km/h at times. Sea: Moderate to rough in the Arabian Gulf and slight to moderate in Oman Sea. Tuesday: Dusty and partly cloudy to cloudy at times over some areas and fresh northwesterly winds, causing blowing sand & suspended dust, reducing horizontal visibility, especially westward. A significant drop in temperature.Wind: Fresh Northwesterly, strong at times over the sea, with a speed of 25 – 35 km/hr, may reach 55 km/hr. Sea: Rough to very rough in the Arabian Gulf and moderate, becoming rough by afternoon in Oman Sea. Wednesday: Dusty in general. Continuous fresh winds, causing blowing sand and suspended dust, reducing horizontal visibility especially westward with slight drop in temperature. Wind: Fresh northwesterly winds, strong at times over the sea, with a speed of 25 – 35 km/hr, may reach 55 Km/hr. Sea: Rough to very rough in the Arabian Gulf and rough in Oman Sea. Thursday: Fair in general and dusty at times over some areas daytime. Wind: Fresh northwesterly, especially over the sea, with a speed of 20 – 30 km/hr, may reach 45 km/hr. Sea: very rough to rough in the Arabian Gulf and rough in Oman Sea. Friday: Fair in general, becoming partly cloudy by night.Wind: Moderate northwesterly, freshening at time daytime, with a speed of 20 – 30 km/hr, may reach 38 km/hr. Sea: Rough to moderate in the Arabian Gulf and moderate in Oman Sea. |