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Endorsing Sustainability Framework To Strike Environmental And Social Balance In Projects

Al Tayer: Sustainability concept is firmly embedded in RTA’s corporate performance

The Board of Directors of Roads and Transport Authority has endorsed RTA’s Sustainability Framework in a session chaired by HE Mattar Al Tayer, Director-General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors. The step is part of the efforts to apply sustainability practices to all activities of RTA. 

The Sustainability Framework is built on three pillars: sustainable luxury & happiness, sustainable transport, and sustainable economic growth and engagement. The Framework aims to strike a balance between economic, environmental and social aspects. 

“The concept of sustainability has become firmly placed in the corporate performance of RTA. It is the backbone of protecting the environment, and reducing power consumption as well carbon footprint; which are top priorities for RTA,” said HE Mattar Al Tayer, Director-General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the RTA. 

“It is a manifestation of the initiative of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, themed: “Green Economy for Sustainable Development”. It is also a realisation of UAE Vision 2021 and the Dubai Strategy for Energy and Carbon Emission.

“The endorsement of the Sustainability Framework epitomises RTA’s efforts to improve the maturity level in this regard rendering RTA one of the most sustainable government entities in the field of roads and transport worldwide. The Framework contributes to the realisation of Dubai Government policy to transform sustainability into a culture in all public entities. 

“RTA has delivered several projects and initiatives focused on sustainability such as the improvement of public transport systems in Dubai. It contributed to increasing public transport ridership from 163 million riders in 2006 to more than 589 million riders in 2018. 

“RTA is currently undertaking a plan to transform 50% of Dubai Taxi fleet into hybrid and electric vehicles by 2021. It is also planning for introducing LED power-saving lights, and replacing the existing bus fleet by new buses compatible with European Low-Carbon Emissions Standards such as Euro 5 and Euro 6; the first of their kind in the MENA region. It is also working on the electronic and smart transformation of various services offered to customers,” added Al Tayer.

“The Sustainability Framework has been developed in line with the top international standards through benchmarking carried with reputed global entities. It is also aligned with the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development as well as the strategic plans at the local and federal levels. It is also tailored to the needs of all concerned categories such as clients, employees, suppliers, contractors, partners and the community,” said Nasir Bu Shehab, Executive Director of Strategy and Corporate Governance and Chairman of High Committee for Sustainability, RTA. 

“RTA is committed to the principles of sustainability in strategies, policies, and legislation to nurture innovative and sustainable infrastructure and transportation systems at world-class standards; which will reflect positively on the quality of life and people happiness.

“RTA is also keen on publishing reports about the performance of corporate sustainability periodically and implementing a package of community & environmental initiatives. This course of action is intended to raise the awareness of the concerned segments and engage them in supporting the sustainable development drive,” he concluded. 

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