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RTA Launches National Competencies Qualification Programme

The programme runs annually and lasts for one year starting from June 2019

Roads and Transport Authority announced the launch of the National Talents (HIPO) Development Programme for enhancing the competencies of High Potential national employees. This annual programme, which runs for one year starting from this June, is part of Dubai Government strategic drive of building a high-potentials talents government.

“The launch of this programme, which will be run annually, is part of the Dubai Government strategic drive of building high-potentials talents government and empowering Emiratis in RTA. It contributes to charting a knowledge map that reflects the needs of RTA’s divisions in future. The programme aims at grooming a generation of young leaders to fill the managerial posts, besides identifying young talents. It also develops a professional, scientific methodology for upgrading and retaining these talents,” said Mansour Al Falasi, Director of Human Resources and Development, Corporate Administrative Support Services Sector, RTA.

“The corporate scope of the programme covers young talents who fulfil the HIPO standards, and the selection process is based on technical standards such as the procedural and professional knowledge, employee continuous learning journey, and the ability to adapt to the demanding job requirements. They also include leadership skills, ability to impact teams in line with the job environment, personal motivation and passion of the individual, and ability of the individual to improve and progress to leadership levels.

“The key drivers of the programme include the corporate ability in terms of strategy and corporate performance, the culture of job environment, leadership and management methodologies, corporate success enablers, and the business analyses procedures.

“The second driver is the success factors, which covers the management of plans through key performance indicators, and personnel management through competencies. The third driver is the personal and professional skills of the individual, performance pattern, flexibility, and continued progress. The last driver of the programme is the enhancement of specialised technical knowledge integrated into the training plan.

“RTA spares no efforts in adopting the top global standards in training and qualifying national human resources to step up their corporate readiness for driving the development process in line with the agenda charted by RTA.

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