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Mashreq Hosts Knowledge-Sharing Session For Dubai Police

Bank shares latest digital solutions for customer enhancement

Mashreq Bank, a leading financial institution in the UAE, recently hosted a knowledge-sharing session for Dubai Police. The event was initiated by the UAE Government’s Regulatory Information Unit-Operation Group, in collaboration with Mashreq’s Retail Banking Group & the Corporate Affairs divisions, showcasing the bank’s latest technologies and digital solutions which enhance customer experience.

Held at the Mashreq’s flagship Muraqabbat branch, the aim of the session was to highlight the efficiencies that digital technologies can offer in reducing the turnaround-time of generating police reports to less than 24 hours, improving backend efficiencies and offering a superior service experience for Dubai residents with the help of Mashreq’s technology unit.

"The success achieved in the UAE in general, and Dubai in particular, is reflected in the rise in the number of foreign investors as well as domestic investors and their confidence in the banking security. Dubai Police has a tangible footprint in these efforts, alongside the strategic role of Mashreq Bank in developing its systems”, commented, Brigadier Abdul Rahim bin Shafi'a, Chairman of the Dubai Police Stations Council.

“We at Dubai Police are proud that the Sahhalat program, which deals with bounced cheque complaints, is a product of innovative minds from Dubai Police and a team consisting of individuals with prominent experience in financial crime and customer service. The technology behind this concepts saves sufficient time for customers while doing the transactions. “

The Sahhalat program also contributed to the development of the cheque system at Mashreq, reduced the overall costs, and added more happiness to the work environment of Mashreq.

"Mashreq’s work system, costumer care and the use of harnessing technology to achieve its objectives, gave me a feeling that our national banks are utilizing the theories of management science to develop and to achieve satisfaction for the employees, and build confidence between the clients and the bank system in order to achieve the strategic objectives and excellence of the bank”.

Commenting at the event, Aladdin Al Deesi-Head of Distribution, Retail Banking Group, Mashreq Bank said: “As a digital leader in financial services, Mashreq has a lot to offer in terms of best-practice and smart system skills to the public and private sector. This session is aligned with our objective to share best-practices and know-how in the digital sphere with all key stakeholders in the UAE, including Dubai Police.”

Mahmood Ali, Manager- Government/Regulatory Information Unit, Mashreq Bank added, “Our session with Dubai Police bore fruitful results on how we can learn from each other in ultimately providing a superior experience to the people of Dubai, making their lives more convenient, simpler and happier. We are grateful to Dubai Police for meeting with us, and look forward to collaborating with them in the future.”

As a homegrown financial institution, Mashreq is fully aligned to Dubai’s Smart City vision, and undertakes a variety of community-wide initiatives in support of digital transformation in both the public and private sector.

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