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7 Ways To Make A Midyear School Transfer Easier For Your Children

A move, whether local or international, is always stressful for children.

Relocating in the middle of a school year can be even more taxing for your little ones.

Making a change in the educational environment for your children in the middle of the year can be challenging. This is because they have to go through the process of meeting their new classmates and making new friends again.

Moreover, your little ones have to adapt to a new school and classroom setting and possibly a different learning programme that may affect their academic performance.

If you’re moving to the United Arab Emirates, studying the list of schools in the UAE and shortlisting your children’s potential learning centre beforehand can ease your and your kids’ burden once they start their studies again.

When you begin the hard work of narrowing down the best options for your children as early as possible, you can focus more on helping them adjust to their new home and school and reduce the worries and problems they may face due to the move.

How to Help Your Children During a Midyear School Transfer

In addition to planning early for your children’s midyear school transfer, follow these tips to help them experience a smooth and successful transition:

1.     Know and gather the necessary documents.

One benefit of studying your children’s possible schools in the UAE in advance is you can have an idea of the requirements you need to prepare and submit during their registration and enrolment.

When you check each school’s website, you can read their list of requirements for new students. If you can’t find these or have some questions about any of them, send them an email to get the information you need.

Some of the typical documents you need to gather are your little ones’ transcripts, immunisation records and birth certificates.

You may also have to research the UAE’s specific requirements for transfer students if you’re relocating from another country.

2.     Stay organised.

Keeping organised is vital when making a mid-year transfer. Doing so ensures you have all the requirements of your children, know where to find them, and avoid delays and problems with their enrollment.

As such, make a list of tasks you need to complete, set deadlines for each, and track your progress.

Also, keep all important documents and information in one place and make sure to keep track of important dates.

This should include the Abu Dhabi school fees you have to pay and the deadlines for paying them.

You can use your smartphone, tablet or laptop to create and follow your to-do list and keep electronic copies of key documents.

3.     Ensure the new school is the right fit for your children.

Even before you arrive in the UAE, make sure your children’s school is the right fit for them by doing some additional online research.

Look into the school's educational philosophy, programmes, facilities and resources to ensure they meet your needs and expectations.

If you want your children to enrol in a school with the same academic programme as the one they are on right now, ensure you have several options you can choose from on your list.

Once you and your family are in the UAE, schedule a meeting with the admissions staff to get a better understanding of what the school has to offer.

4.     Request a campus tour.

To ensure your children go to a school they like and flourish in, request a campus tour.

If your little ones have to undergo an admissions test and interview, find out if you can go on a tour afterwards.

Visit the classrooms, canteen, library, grounds and other facilities your children will frequent and are interested in.

If your tour takes place during a school day, ask if your children can take a look inside the classrooms while classes are ongoing. Encourage your little ones to speak with the students and teachers.

A campus tour can help you and your children be familiarised with their possible school.

This familiarity can give them a boost of confidence on their first day of classes. It can also help you give them better support.

5.     Involve your children in the final decision.

Including your children in the selection process can make it easier for them to accept their new school.

Aside from bringing them with you during the campus tour, speak with them about which school they are partial to. Ask them about their opinions and insights regarding their potential classrooms, teachers and schoolmates.

When you include your children in the decision process about their new school, you help them feel more involved, in control and comfortable with the final decision.

And this will go a long way in helping them adjust and flourish in their new learning environment and make friends.

6.     Prepare your children for their upcoming classes.

Before your little ones start going to their new school, ensure they have everything they need, such as their uniforms and school supplies. Knowing they have everything they need can help relieve their anxiety.

Also, take your children on a trial run before they start attending school.

Create a morning routine everyone must follow during school days. It should have specific schedules regarding the times they should wake up, have breakfast and be fully dressed to leave for school.

Lastly, help your children familiarise themselves with their route to school. Walk them to their bus stop or the campus using the path you chose.

7.     Be supportive and involved.

Once your children start going to their new school, speak with them daily about how they are doing. Ask them if they need any help with their homework or anything.

Encourage them to talk about their fears and worries and discuss ways to help them deal with these and make them feel more confident.

Also, encourage your children to sign up for a club or extracurricular activities. These can help them meet new friends who share their interests and make them feel they belong in the school.

Additionally, maintain a good relationship with your children’s teacher. Ask them if they observe your little ones having difficulties with their studies or talking to their classmates.

If the teachers notice any problems, work with them to find ways to help your children manage and overcome these.

Lastly, get involved in your children’s schools. Volunteer or participate in activities and be on friendly terms with the other parents.

Getting involved in your children’s school means you can give them more support as they make the transition.

With your support and guidance, your children can manage the changes that come with a big move and transfer to a new school in the middle of an academic year.

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