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United Arab Emirates National Committee To Combat Human Trafficking To Launch Nation-Wide Media Campaign

The United Arab Emirates National Committee To Combat Human Trafficking Will Launch A Nation-Wide Media Campaign To Enhance Awareness About The Crime Of Human Trafficking

The UAE National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking will launch a nation-wide media campaign to enhance awareness about the crime of human trafficking. This was announced at the 11th meeting held yesterday in the Presidential Palace in Abu Dhabi. The committee discussed several topics related to human trafficking and its implications. Amongst other key topics, discussions focused on the nation- wide media campaign in the UAE. The committee discussed plans to foster a partnership between the public and private sector on trafficking issues, which aims at uniting the nation’s efforts against this criminal activity. The media campaign will also enforce the UAE’s efforts in dealing with the problem and explain the legal implications of the crime as well as the tough penalties imposed against any perpetrators of this criminal activity. In addition, the Committee decided to launch a survey on human trafficking crimes that will help officials tackle the issue. Members discussed the creation of a website on efforts to combat human trafficking, which will serve as an effective communications channel and official information source in addition to enhancing awareness about the crime. Dr. Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Chair of the UAE National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking, said: "The UAE has succeeded in drawing support for its battle to combat human trafficking domestically and globally, through important initiatives that we launched against this criminal activity. The success of our initiatives has motivated us to exert more efforts to deal with the issue and eliminate it. Our leadership has contributed in empowering the committee and supporting its mission to implement our four-pillared action plan". He added: "Human trafficking poses a direct threat to social and moral values of UAE society. It is imperative that international players unite against this crime. As an active member of the international community, we will use all our resources to fight this inhumane activity. To achieve this, we will launch a nation-wide media campaign.” The National Committee members also discussed the importance of bilateral relationship building in trafficking issues by signing MoUs with countries such as Belarus and Armenia. Dr. Gargash stressed that these partnerships are part of the strategic pillars of the committee’s mission, and will help in strengthening relationships and information-sharing between countries, thus positively influence the efforts being exerted against human trafficking. The Committee also approved to host specialized workshops for security personnel about human trafficking, in co-operation with the International Training Center in Belarus, aimed at building the skills and capabilities of security forces to fight against this crime. The National Committee has also agreed to hold an Arab Forum under the supervision of the Arab League and decided to participate in the International Organization for Migration’s meetings held respectively in Kabul and Kazakhstan.

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