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Dubai Customs And Abu Dhabi Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Ink A Bench Marking Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Mr. Ahmed Butti Ahmed, Director General of Dubai Customs and Mr. Mohammed Al Hamly, Director General of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed Monday 17th November 2008 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the Customs main building. The signing ceremony was attended by a number of high ranking officials from both sides and a group of press and media reporters in UAE. The MOU comes as part of the bench marking project between public and private sectors institutions in UAE earlier launched by Dubai Customs. The project aims at making bench marking in respect with services, processes and performance indicator applicable to Dubai Customs against those in force with other organizations, exchanging information, expertise and practices and identifying areas of possible development and improvement. The MOU underlines Dubai Customs and Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry keenness to effectively support and strengthen their partnership relations based on an integrated corporate system as to ensure developing such relations for serving the society and favorably reflected on the UAE economic and social development march. The MOU calls for invoking joint action between the two the two parties, simplifying procedures and improving their clients’ service delivery standards that might benefit the society as whole. The MOU also provides for implementing and developing an integrated communication system between the two parties and supporting their corporate development efforts through conducting bench marking studies as well as organizing joint seminars, meetings and workshops as to serve their interest and developing performance and business at both organizations. “such MOU emphasizes the existing cooperation and coordination relations between Dubai Customs and other government and private institutions operating in UAE as to achieve progress, prosperity and welfare of the country”, said Mr. Butti. Pointing out to the bench marking programmes, Mr. Butti added that “Dubai Customs deliberately expanded the bench marking project as to include local, regional and international customs administrations as well as other non-customs organizations. The bench marking process would not necessarily be made among organizations of similar nature of work. The global studies and statistic, however, reported that bench marking among similar organizations in terms of nature of work would give anticipated improvement of 20% while bench marking among different organizations yields better results reaching 35% at least of improvement and growth”. Worth mentioning, Dubai Customs, within the framework of its constant searching for best methods to improve and develop customer service delivery standards, is making contacts with a number of local, regional and international organizations over signing similar MOUs invoking the bench marking project.

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