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UAE Is France’s Major Trade Partner In The Region: French President

The ambitious policies adopted by the UAE authorities over the last years paved the way for dynamic, open diversified economy, making the Arabian Gulf country, the major trade partner to France in the Middle East, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said.

’’The UAE today is our first partner in the Gulf and the Middle East. Of course, the first economic partner in the region. The figures speak for themselves. The volume of French exports to the UAE surged three times over the last 10 years. The UAE today receives half of the French investments in the Gulf. The ambitious policies of the UAE authorities over the last years paved the way for dynamic, open diversified economy.

The intuition of the French Companies did not falter. There are many of them seeking to take part in the economic development of the UAE, the French head of state said in an interview with WAM on the eve of his two-day trip to the UAE.

Expressing his delight at visiting the UAE again, President Sarkozy said : ’’ I would like to come back to the UAE and Abu Dhabi in particular, which I have some good memories from my first visit in January 2008. I would be pleased to meet again President HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, whom I respect very much. I will also be happy to meet Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces HH General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

’’My first visit in 2008 opened new page of friendship between our countries. It was culminated by the two major decisions: the launch of French-UAE cooperation in peaceful nuclear field and setting up of the permanent French military base in Abu Dhabi.

’’My visit today falls in the new framework dynamics as I will open a new military base between French inter-armies in Abu Dhabi. It will be an important event. This base, which was set up upon a request from the UAE authorities is an epoch making in the friendship relations between the two countries. Through the permanent military presence, France firmly pledges to back its Emirati friends as the proverb says: "Friend in need is a friend indeed". Be assured that France is on your side in the event your security is at risk. France, through this base - the first in the Middle East, is ready to shoulder its responsibilities to ensure the stability in the region. This region is strategic for the world balance,’’he affirmed..

On his anticipated talks with his UAE counterpart, the French President added: We will tackle a number of issues with HH Sheikh Khalifa. We will particularly talk about all aspects of the bilateral cooperation, as well as a number of regional and international issues, among others, global financial crunch, situation in the Middle East and of course, Iran.

Turning to the UAE-France partnership, President Sarkozy noted:’’The relations between the two countries go beyond economic issues. They are politically rich. We with the UAE defend joint vision about the globalisation.

We are waging a joint battle in favour of the inter-cultural dialogue. We have same commitment about peace, particularly in the region. These relations are strategic in the light of defence agreement signed between the two countries in 1995 and today through setting up of the first permanent French military base in the region. Also there are rich cultural relations between the two countries in light of innovative, promising initiatives such as Louvre Abu Dhabi and Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi .

In regard to the Iranian nuclear programme, he said :The Iranian crisis is frankly one of the issues threatening world security. My position was clear and I still persist that owning of Iran of nuclear weapons is not acceptable.

’’The option of the new US Administration to joint us in serious dialogue is a good news, because it will boost our efforts to convince the Iranian authorities that it is in their best interest and interest of their people to respond to the demands of the international community. I’m convinced that this approach is the best option and may be the only one to settle this issue amicably.

The Iranian authorities, the French leader affirmed, have to choose now either they return to the international community fold or face more increasingly isolation.

On peace-making in the Middle East, the French president stressed that there is a reality on the ground that no one would think seriously about peace in the Middle East without giving the Palestinians a State they have been persevering for years. It is their legitimate right.

’’The best guarantee for security of Israel is setting up of a Palestinian independent, democratic, modern and viable state. Also construction of settlements should be stopped as it hinders peace,’ he emphasised.

’’What is important is to find solution to this long conflict. What is important is to put an end to this pain and wastage. In this conflict, Europe and US will stand by Israelis and Palestinians as well to reach reconciliation, but there will be no peace without genuine and sincere will of the two sides. The peace is an option- no one could choose an alternative for peace."

Speaking about the global financial crunch, the French president said :’’ We have now evidently begun to implement the principle that rules no single financial institution should slip out of the financial control system. This also applies to all rating agencies and hedge funds which were not subject to any form of control. "

’’We went further beyond: we published the list of taxation havens, which now have to abide by the rules of transparency attached to the international financial community. We also succeeded in endorsing the principle that mandates to punish anyone who refuses to abide by the rules. We also ratified the rules regarding wages in banks, so they will not give incentives for excessive risk,’’ he added.

On France’s role in international efforts against the piracy in the Gulf of Aden, President Sarkozy said :’’ France was the first country to enter into this battle with determination earlier in September 2007. I had announced before the UN General Assembly that the French naval forces will escort the vessels belonging to the World Food Programme. This gave birth to operation ALCYON. It was also France who proposed, while it chaired the European Union in December 2008, to set up the ATALANTE operation, the first ever European naval operation to combat piracy in Somali waters and the Gulf of Aden.

’’The French forces have detained 70 pirates so far and some of them will be tried in France,’’ he disclosed.

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