Sharjah, UAE, September 17, 2008: Gulftainer’s Khorfakkan Container Terminal (KCT) in the Sharjah welcomed the arrival of the biggest container ship ever to berth at the port, the 9700 teu, 350-metre long ’CMA-CGM ORFEO’. Volumes already much higher in the first half of the year as a result of lines increasingly choosing to route cargo through the KCT gateway to the UAE, have been further boosted as congestion and slow working conditions have affected other ports in the region.
Gulftainer Director & General Manager Peter Richards commented, "We have been pointing out for years that KCT is ideally placed, geographically, to save shipping lines time and money, especially since the terminal’s speedy performance ensures that large, expensive container ships would not spend much time berthing and working."
Containers for the UAE market have continued to move smoothly on our ’minibridge’ to the Sharjah Inland Container Depot (SICD), allowing fast and convenient distribution to the UAE market when most other gateways have been increasingly gridlocked with traffic.
"An now, whilst other major terminals in the region are reeling from the impact of major congestion and experiencing severe delays in berthing, KCT continues to lead the way and we are delighted that this splendid new CMACGM ship the ’CMACGM ORFEO’ the largest ever to berth at KCT was able to berth and depart on schedule," said Richards.
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