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SCAD Announces Results Of Economic Surveys

The Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi (SCAD) released the final results of six major surveys for the year 2007-2008 conducted in the emirate of Abu Dhabi covering a wide range of economic activities.

The surveys included the financial sector activities (banks, insurance, money exchange, and financial brokerage companies), industrial activities (extraction, manufacturing industries, electricity, water ), services activities (restaurants, hotels, education, health, real estate .etc), construction activities, commercial activities (wholesale and retail), the maintenance activities, in addition to transport, communication and storage (TCS).

Conducting economic surveys at the level of the emirate of Abu Dhabi constituted part of the strategy of SCAD for contributing to the economic agenda of the emirate and to its development vision.

These surveys are carried out periodically with a view to updating the statistical data of the different economic activities and to making such data available for use by decision and policy makers and the wider business sector.

During the preparatory phase of each survey, the goals are set up, the forms and tables are designed, and a training manual is compiled. Survey workers are then recruited and trained on best practices and approved survey methods.

The field work, which included data collection, sorting, uploading, analysis and dissemination. The different steps of the surveys were performed in accordance with the world’s best standards and methodologies that are in use at the Statistics Center-Abu Dhabi (SCAD).

The timeframe for carrying out the different steps of surveys for the first time exceeds 18 months after the end of the fiscal year.

The Surveys monitor the evolution of the different sectors of the emirate’s economy, and provide authentic data directly obtained from the field on the volume and origin (foreign, Arab, or local) of investment capitals, on the size and costs (wages and other cash and in kind advantages) of manpower in every economic activity, and on the production of both goods and services.

The outcome of the surveys makes available the basic information and data on the different economic activities, whereby the relevant added value of these activities can be calculated, as well the overall GDP of the emirate and the contribution therein of each activity.

The present survey outcome reveals that the total value of economic activities in Abu Dhabi emirate amounts to AED 688.3 billions, of which the industrial sector represents 65.5pc, the construction activities 11,4pc, in addition to 5pc, 6.3pc and 4.3pc for the commercial, TCS, and the financial activities, respectively.

The total number of manpower amounts to 1,092,573, working in 67,546 establishments. The construction and services sectors have the two biggest shares, with 34.6pc and 24.5pc respectively, followed by the commercial sector, 18.2pc, the industrial sector, 14.5pc, and lastly the financial and TCS sectors, representing 6.6pc, and 1.6pc respectively.

The survey results show that the total volume of the paid capital amounts to AED 178.3 billions, with the financial, services and industrial activities representing together 71pc. The added value of the overall economic activities is estimated to be AED 530.9 billions, which amounts to 77.1 of the total value of production.

The industrial activities come first, with 66.9pc, leaving the contribution of other activities ranging between 8.9pc for construction and 4.9pc for trading (wholesale and retail), and maintenance activities.

The cost of manpower wages and other benefits is estimated at 55.9 billions, amounting to 10.5pc of the total added value. It is revealed that the average wage and benefits per worker amounts to AED 51000 per annum, and the average productivity per worker is AED 630 000 per annum.

The outcome of the economic surveys indicated that the volume of the fixed capital in all the economic activities amounts to AED 50 billions, most of which being in the industrial sector, with 52.3pc of the total fixed capital. The depreciation of the latter is estimated at AED 22.2 billions, most of it, i.e. 55.8pc, is concentrated in the industrial sector, together with the TCS activities, 14.9pc, and the services sector, 12.2pc

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