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Masdar City Chosen As Middle East HQ For Attentive Science

Masdar City announced that Attentive Science, a global organisation that provides non-clinical research services to the biotech, pharmaceutical, and animal health industries, has chosen Masdar City, as their Middle East hub as part of their global expansion.

Attentive Science tests drugs in their early development stages using "in vivo," or living, test subjects to help ensure they are safe and effective before proceeding to clinical trials.

"This new partnership is one of many exciting developments in Masdar City and Abu Dhabi’s growing life sciences ecosystem," said Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, the Undersecretary of the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DOH).

Ahmed Baghoum, Masdar City’s CEO, stressed Masdar’s keenness to cooperate over the past year with the DoH and all relevant partners to continue investing in the life sciences sector in Masdar City and push its growth forward.

Tareq Abu-Nadi, CEO and co-founder of Attentive Science’s Abu Dhabi location, commented, "The inviting and very active support of the Abu Dhabi DOH was the deciding factor in selecting Masdar City out of multiple options in the region. The life science ecosystem is rapidly growing in Abu Dhabi making it one of the most attractive areas promoting research and innovation."

Attentive Science is headquartered in the United States and recently expanded into Australia. The UAE is its third global location.

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