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Students Debate Impact Of Future Technology At Next Gen World Expo

How can we harness future innovations to drive positive change?

We all wonder how technology will change our lives in the future, but it’s today’s young people who will have to deal with the impacts of tomorrow’s innovations – both good and bad. 

That’s why Expo 2020 Dubai invited school students from across the UAE to share their insights about the positive and negative impacts of technology at the second Next Gen World majlis. 

The session, titled ‘Technology with heart and mind’, featured 21 students aged 13 to 17, who discussed the effects of technological progress on creativity, empathy and mindfulness, as well as how humanity can embrace innovation as a tool to drive positive change. 

Ameera Ismail Sharif, a student from Sharjah American International School’s Dubai campus, and a participant in the Next Gen World Majlis, said: “We can either control technology or let it control us. In my opinion, technology has resulted in some of the biggest challenges we are facing today. However, it can also be used to connect minds and create the future, which is the theme of Expo 2020 and a priority for humanity as a whole.” 

The Next Gen World Majlis series forms part of Expo 2020’s World Majlis initiative, which is designed to address 21st century challenges through the time-honoured Arab tradition of the Majlis – a highly valued meeting space where people gather to gain different perspectives and share informed opinions that help shape decisions on subjects that matter to their communities. 

To learn more about the initiative, or for additional information about previous World Majlis sessions, visit

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