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RTA To Auction Off 200 Distinctive Plates Online On July 28th

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is offering 200 distinctive number plates of 3, 4 and 5 digits at the forthcoming 57th Online Auction. Plates on offer at this auction, the third of its kind this year are (A, B, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T) codes.

Bidders’ registration starts on Sunday, July 21st and the bidding process will kick off one week later, on Sunday, July 28th at 08:00 am.

Offering distinctive licensing plates at open or online auctions promotes RTA’s strategy of fairness and transparency which is definitely of advantage to bidders of distinctive number plates. Acquiring plates through RTA’s auctions avails clients the possibility of owning plates bearing symbolic reference to important events in their life.

These auctions are also of great importance as they serve the needs of a wide range of customers. RTA tends to hold auctions according to market needs with the aim of maximising customers satisfaction. Such auctions are marked by wide participation and positive rivalry of passionate bidders.

The selling price of licensing plates in this auction is subject to a 5% VAT. Each bidder is required to have a Traffic File opened in Dubai, submit a security cheque amounting to AED5,000, and pay an non-refundable subscription fee of AED120. Payment can be made at Customers Happiness Centres at Umm Ramool, Al Barsha or Deira, by credit card via ( or through the Dubai Drive app.

Online auctions are particularly appealing to a large community segment as they fans can avail the liberty of selecting their favourite plates in a hassle-free environment. Moreover, this sort of auctions contributes to enhancing the online service offering of RTA, which is part of annual plans for improving the processing of customer transactions.

A dedicated team at RTA’s Call Centre has been furnished with all the information related to this auction, enabling them to respond to public inquiries relating to the auction, by dialling the toll-free number 8009090.

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