OSI Executive Team Discusses Issuance Of National Digital Transformation Report |
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, TRA, hosted the 24th Meeting of the National Executive Team for Online Services Index, one of the indicators of the National Agenda for the UAE Vision 2021, at its Dubai office, with the participation of 12 federal and local government representatives, to introduce the National Digital Transformation Report. The report aims to shed light on the most important achievements in digital transformation in the country, as well as dealing with the methodology of preparing the National Digital Transformation Report. It will be used as a source of information that highlights the UAE's leadership in a digital government at the UN and other relevant departments. It will be used at international forums, conferences and major events to highlight the efforts and leadership of the country. The report will also be published on the official portal of the UAE Government, with links to websites of government entities as a reference for researchers, the media and those interested. The meeting also aimed to follow up on the plan achievement progress of teams and government entities through the Deira system, a platform to monitor the progress of the plan and follow up on the most important recommendations of the United Nations, UN, evaluation of official government portals. During the meeting, Salem Al Housani, Acting Deputy Director-General of the Information and e-Government Sector and Chairman of the OSI Team, said, "In addition to reviewing the achievement level of government teams and entities through the Deira platform, developed by the TRA, the agenda of the meeting focused on highlighting the UAE's efforts in the global arena in the field of digital transformation in terms of indicators, projects and achievements in which the country has achieved impressive results." Al Housani said that the team’s regular meetings accelerate the pace of achieving targets. The participants discussed the recommendations of the UN evaluation of the official portals, which included the smooth and consistent operation of the web pages. The UN assessment also included the availability of e-consultation practices where each consultation must include the subject, objective and decision-making. They also discussed ways to promote the new UAE Government Portal (u.ae) domain, ensure that the search option works efficiently and effectively and that the open data page contains CSV or XML files and enriches the pages. |